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Décor Edit : SUNSHINE SUNSHINE Wallpaper

I recently moved to Saint Petersburg, FL which just so happens to be called the "sunshine city" as the sun shines 361 days of the year. And according to  Outside Magazine,  is one of the happiest places to live in the US. With all of the sunshine and happiness happening, I needed a wallpaper for my bathroom project that had that expression. I was thrilled when I found the SUNSHINE SUNSHINE wallpaper in yellow by designer, Kerri Rosenthal. My search was done...I was all in!  I discovered Kerri Rosenthal online and adored her sense of playful design. Getting right to the point of happiness and joy she creates brightly bold, graphic, and fun, statements in all that she does. She has made a name for herself as an award winning interior designer, artist, and stylist. She has been featured in Arch Digest, NY times, LA times, and Luxe. Her lifestyle brand is based on all of her custom artwork and design. Her website offers art, clothing, accessories, home décor, and custom designed

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